Selected Recent Publications

Personal preprints of the papers are provided below, when available. The official version of the papers are available through the publisher and digital libraries. Please respect all copyrights.   

For a complete list of my publications and patents, please see DBLP or Google Scholar.

[MICRO 2024] P. Deutsch, V. Ulitzsch, S. Gurumurthi, V. Sridharan, J. Emer, M. Yan, DelayAVF: Calculating Architectural Vulnerability Factors for Delay Faults, International Symposium on Microarchitecture, November 2024. (Artifact Evaluated - Functional, Reproducible) [github]

[ISCA 2024] N. Karystinos, O. Chatzopoulos, G. Fragkoulis, G. Papadimitriou, D. Gizopoulos, S. Gurumurthi, Harpocrates: Breaking the Silence of CPU Faults through Hardware-in-the-Loop Program Generation, International Symposium on Computer Architecture, June 2024. 

[IEDM 2023] D. Prasad, G. Kini, S. Chandrasekaran, S. Gurumurthi, A. Novak, T. Burd, Paradigm Shift in Semiconductor Technology Scaling Calling for Advancements in Design Modelling, IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, December 2023. (Invited Paper)

[ISCA@50 2023] S. Gurumurthi, A. Sivasubramaniam, M. Kandemir, H. Franke, RETROSPECTIVE: DRPM: Dynamic Speed Control for Power Management in Server Class Disks, ISCA@50 25-Year Retrospective: 1996-2020, June 2023. 

[ISCA 2023] G. Loh et al. [including S. Gurumurthi], A Research Retrospective on the AMD Exascale Computing Journey, International Symposium on Computer Architecture (Industry Track), June 2023. 

[HPCA 2023] M. Beigi, Y. Cao, S. Gurumurthi, C. Recchia, A. Walton, V. Sridharan, A Systematic Study of DDR4 DRAM Faults in the Field, IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (Industry Track), February 2023. [Corrigendum]

[IRPS 2022] M. Beigi, S. Gurumurthi, V. Sridharan, Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability Challenges for Heterogeneous System Design, IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium, March 2022. (Invited Paper)

[CAL 2021] S. Gurumurthi, K. Lee, M. Jang, V. Sridharan, A. Nygren, Y. Ryu, K. Sohn, T. Kim, and H. Chung, HBM3 RAS: Enhancing Resilience at Scale, IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, 20(2), pages 158-161, October 2021. [ETH Zurich Seminar, Oct'22]

[MICRO 2021] K.A. Zubair, S. Gurumurthi, V. Sridharan, and A. Awad, Soteria: Towards Resilient Integrity-Protected and Encrypted Non-Volatile Memories, IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, October 2021.

[HPDC 2019] T. Doudali, S. Blagodurov, A. Vishnu, S. Gurumurthi, A. Gavrilovska, Kleio: A Hybrid Memory Page Scheduler with Machine Intelligence, Proceedings of the International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing, June 2019. (Best Paper Nominee)